Saturday, December 30, 2006

Advice for Job-Seekers - PERSISTENCE!

By Resume Asia

The job market in Singapore and Asia is getting hotter and hotter these days. There are many, many available jobs in the market, especially in the hidden market where jobs are not advertised in the papers or internet. However, you need alot of determination and persistence to break into this market, and I have seen many of my clients achieving considerable success when they are properly guided to breakthrough in this market.

If you are out there actively scanning the market and looking for a job, here's a slogan that I like very much and hope that you can be encouraged and inspired to press on:

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence

Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not: unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
The slogan “press on” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race. "

Press on! Don't give up! There will always be a better tomorrow! Smile and CHEERS!

Best Wishes, Good Health and Success!

If you need help or advice regarding job search, resume writing or career coaching, feel free to contact us at

Power Up Your Career With Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

By Resume Asia

In the competitive international scene of today, restructuring and retrenchments are harsh realities. It is more important than ever to manage your own career success and this responsibility lies in your hands. Take active steps to ensure survival and greater success!

Having paper qualifications and a high IQ does not guarantee success in life. Other “intelligent” factors such as self-awareness, impulse control, persistence, self-motivation and empathy are also important factors for succeeding in your career, business and life. These factors are commonly known as “Emotional Intelligence”.

Learn to power up your career with emotional intelligence at different stages of your career path.

Power Up Your Career with Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
(A career workshop series to help propel your career success)

Workshop 1: Take Charge of Your Career Success with Emotional Intelligence

Workshop 2: Create High Impact and Winning Resumes

Workshop 3: Empower Your Interviewing Skills with Emotional Intelligence

Workshop 4: Climb the Corporate Ladder with Emotional Intelligence

Please email if you are keen to learn more about the above programmes.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Climbing The Corporate Ladder

By Resume Asia
While preparing the career workshop at SIM last week, I chanced upon this article on career management, and contrary to what it means to most people in general, this article opens up a new way of looking at career management and success.
Below is an extract from the article:

“If you can do anything setting out, or along the way – because it’s never too late to start again – figure out who you are. What do you love to do? How do you want to live?Then, don’t let a career drives you, let passion drives your life. That may not get you up any ladder, but it will make your trip down a long and winding road more interesting. And in the end, if it makes you feel better, go ahead and call it a career. It does not matter. A career is what you make it”
Extracted from “Goodbye Career, Hello Success” By Randy Komisar (Harvard Business Review)
This article is available at SIM Library.
The next career workshop on "Power Up Your Career" will be held at the Singapore Institute of Management (SIM), Management House.
Hope to see you then.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

How To Ace The Job Interview

By Resume Asia

As HR professional, I had the opportunity to interview several senior executives for various job positions, and it always pain me to see executives coming ill-prepared for the interview even though they are amply qualified for the job. As with the resume and cover letter, you never get a second chance to make a good first impression, and this meet-and-greet session could make or break the job offer for you.

Regardless of how much experience you possess or how qualified you are, if you show up late on a job interview, ill prepared, or dressed inappropriately, you could be sealing your own fate. It may sound old fashioned but a neat professional appearance is always appropriate for a job interview.

Be confident! That is what I always tell job seekers who approach me for help about job interviews. ‘T-up” with a friend, your love ones or a career coach and rehearse a day or two before the interview to sharpen your communication skills. It helps to practise a few devil’s advocate questions to prepare positive responses regarding your strengths and weaknesses. Research and find out about the company’s mission, vision, their business, product or services before the interview. With the advent of Internet, there is really no excuse to claim ignorance when posed a question “What do you know about our company?” during the interview.

Display an attitude of “humble egotism”. Psyche yourself up into creating the impression that “I’m the best, I am the greatest, I will succeed, I want this job more than anything else in the world, I have more to learn”, and show your enthusiasm, dedication and ambition through your words and body language. If you come in with the attitude of “show me why I should work for this company” and then change your mind midway through the interview that you want this job, it may sometimes be too late. The most important goal of the job interview is to get a job offer. If you get a job offer, then you can decide if you want to take it. If you don’t get the job offer, there’s nothing to decide. You can always think it over and turn it down later, but the name of the game is to get that job offer above all the other candidates!!

Always arrive on time. I try to make it a point to arrive at least fifteen minutes early. We know that traffic and delays occur but the professional interview candidate anticipates such events and arrives composed and prepared, not out of breath and apologizing.

Answer questions clearly and concisely. Do not get long-winded or meander to discuss unnecessary personal details. A confident, focussed professional will make a better impression than a candidate who sits back and let the interviewer throws out random question. Know the content of your resume well and be prepared to highlight your strengths, achievements on your present or previous job, and your eagerness to work for this potential employer. If there are unrelated jobs or gaps on the resume which the interviewer asks you about, be truthful and to the point. No need to apologize for anything, but just accentuate on the positive and relevant information.

If the interviewer asks an open-ended question, “how do you feel about monthly reports?” try to narrow down the focus by asking a more specific question in return, “Would you like to know how I manage projects to meet deadlines and achieve my KPI?” If salary is discussed during the interview, try not to bring up too many ancillary questions about benefits, annual leave, etc. An interview is not the appropriate place to haggle over money – it’s best to conduct salary negotiation only when you actually get the job offer.

When the job interview is concluded, stand up and extend your hand, and thank the interviewer for his/her time and consideration of you as a qualified candidate for this position. Leave gracefully - you may ask when the decision is anticipated but don’t offer to call back or give your mobile number – just walk out as confidently as you walk in.

I wish you all the very best!